IQWiG comments

IQWiG also comments on general topics, for example, draft laws or scientific methods. You can find the comments issued by the Institute and joint comments written in cooperation with other institutions on this page.

Comments (in chronological order):


Position paper "Evidence base and easy/simple language" of the "Accessible Health Communication" department of the German Network for Health Literacy (DNGK).
Comment of 15 July 2024 by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) on the consultation version of 4 June 2024.


IQWiG comment on the draft law of the Federal Government for advancing cancer screening and quality assurance using clinical cancer registries (Law on Cancer Screening and Registration – KFRG) Bundestag printed paper 17/11267 of 05.12.2012 (German version)


Comment to AHRQ on: "Assessing confounding, the risk of bias and precision of observational studies of interventions or exposures: further development of the RTI Item Bank"


Comment to AHRQ on: "A framework for assessing the strength of methodological recommendations for systematic review and meta-analysis"


Comment on the proposal of the EU commission for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/20/EC (German version)


Comment on the draft of a law to implement the recommendations of the National Cancer Plan (Cancer Plan Implementation Law) (German version)


IQWiG comment on the public hearing of the German Bundestag’s Committee on Health “Better guarantee of safety, efficacy and health benefit of medical devices”, Bundestag printed paper 17/8920, and “More safety for medical devices”, Bundestag printed paper 17/9932 (German version)


Comment on the draft of a second law to Change Legislation on Medicinal Products and Other Regulations. (16th Amendment to the Medicinal Products Act [AMG]) (German version)


Joint statement from IQWiG, GMDS and IBS-DR: "Importance of results from indirect comparisons"


Comment on the draft of the Second law to Change Legislation on Medicinal Products and Other Regulations (16th Amendment to the AMG) (German version)


Gesetz zur Stärkung der Herzgesundheit (Gesundes-Herz-Gesetz - GHG)
Stellungnahme vom 09.07.2024 des Instituts für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) zum Referentenentwurf des GHG vom 14.06.2024