Institute structure
The governing body of the Institute is the Foundation for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care. Its purpose is to promote science and research.
Bodies and committees
The bodies of the foundation are the Foundation Council and the Board of Directors. The Board of Trustees and the Scientific Advisory Board act in an advisory capacity to the Institute. More information on Bodies and committees.
Responsibilities and staff of bodies and committees
Institute management
Dr. med. Thomas Kaiser has been the Director of the Institute since April 2023. Dr. med. Michaela Eikermann has been Deputy Director since June 2024.
The Institute Management, appointed by the Board of Directors, represents IQWiG internally and externally. It is responsible for ensuring that the Institute fulfils its legal obligations and follows the priorities set by the Federal Joint Committee. It is also responsible for keeping within the budget plan and for good management.
Profile Dr. med. Thomas Kaiser
Profile: Dr. med. Michaela Eikermann
Responsibilities and staff of Institute Management
Departments and Units
IQWiG is made up of seven departments and four units which hold different responsibilities, both scientific and non-scientific.
Responsibilities and staff of departments
Management Panel
The Institute’s Director and Deputy Director, Department Heads, and Unit Heads form the IQWiG Management Panel. The Panel’s meetings serve to provide regular mutual information and coordination as well as to plan and monitor projects. The Panel advises the Institute's Director and Deputy Director, especially before decisions are made that affect essential issues of the Institute.