Contributing the perspective of patients
The key questions in our assessments and reports are always whether an examination or treatment method prolongs life, alleviates symptoms or complications and improves quality of life.
Against this background and on a legal basis, we regularly include people affected by diseases (patients and relatives) in the preparation of our reports. This is done indirectly via the spokesperson of the G-BA's Coordination Committee for Patient Involvement, who is in contact with self-help groups and patient organizations throughout Germany and who searches for and arranges suitable partners for IQWiG's work (indirect contact). In addition, patients and other affected persons can also contact us directly at various points in our work to contribute their views (direct contact).
The following fields of work exist for patients and other affected persons to actively participate in IQWiG's work:
Comment on preliminary reports in the benefit assessment of drugs and non-drug interventions and on report plans in the benefit assessment of drugs.
Direct contact: Submit a written comment.
Take part in one of our discussions with patients or other persons affected
Direct contact: If we are investigating the benefits and harms of a medical examination or treatment method for a particular disease, it is very helpful if we talk to patients or other persons affected beforehand. We refer to this discussion as a "discussion with patients or other persons affected". We are also interested in any previous experiences you may have had with an examination or treatment method and what you would like to gain. If we are looking for patients or other persons affected to discuss a project, we indicate this here. Please contact us if you would like to participate in one of the projects listed below.
Discuss patient-relevant outcomes with us, such as health-related quality of life, symptoms or complications.
Indirect contact: Patients are contacted via the spokesperson of the G-BA's Coordination Committee for Patient Involvement.
Describe the perspective of patients and other affected persons in the early benefit assessment of drugs according to AMNOG
Indirect contact: Patients are contacted via the spokesperson of the G-BA's Coordination Committee for Patient Involvement.
For “ThemenCheck Medizin”, ask your question to the scientific community by submitting a proposal for the assessment of an examination or treatment procedure.
Direct contact: For “ThemenCheck Medizin”, enter your question and any background information (in german language) online in a form.
Get involved in the development of health information
Indirect contact: IQWiG determines the experiences, wishes and information needs of patients and other affected persons through discussions, user testing of the information and by collecting reports on experiences. Patients and other affected persons are contacted via self-help groups, patient universities and other partners. If you have any questions, please use our contact form.
Review, assess and comment on IQWiG's health information and suggest topics for further health information
Direct contact: please use our contact form