Data protection declaration

IQWiG processes personal data when you use this website. This data protection declaration explains the details and informs you about your rights and the contact details required.

In order to maintain the operation of this website, your IP address is transmitted to us when you use it. The IP addresses are stored for 14 days in order to be able to clarify the cause in the event of malfunctions and to ensure the operation of the website. If there is no malfunction, all IP addresses are deleted after 14 days and are not merged with other personal data. As a matter of principle, no data are passed on to third parties.

A. Detailed information on the processing of data

Your data are processed as follows:

(1) Registration as an external expert:

If you are interested in working with our Institute, you can register as an expert. To process your registration as an expert, we process your name, contact data, professional career, scientific activities and professional qualifications. We process your data based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1)a of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). After you have requested access to "My IQWiG", confirm your registration by clicking on the confirmation link in the confirmation e-mail sent to you. After logging in to "My IQWiG", enter the above data in a web form. You can edit these data yourself at any time by logging in. The data of the user profile on "My IQWiG" are deleted by the users themselves or, at the request of the users, by the editors within 3 working days after notification of the deletion request. Unconfirmed registrations are deleted automatically after 7 days. Personal data are not passed on to third parties.

(2) Registration for IQWiG events:

You can participate in IQWiG events and register for them. To process your registration, we process the date of the event, name, institution, position, contact details and any comments. We process your data based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1)a of the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information is entered via a web form and deleted after 1 year. Personal data are not passed on to third parties.

(3) Contact forms and ThemenCheck Medizin

These contact forms enable you to send us your enquiries by e-mail. To process your enquiry, we process your name, your e-mail address and the enquiry text entered. Your data are processed based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1)a of the GDPR. The information is forwarded to or, answered from there and deleted within 3 years after our response. Personal data are not passed on to third parties.

(4) Topic proposal

You can propose a topic for the production of an HTA report to us within the scope of IQWiG's tasks according to § 139b (5) SGB V. To process your topic proposal, we process the following personal data: topic, research question, reasons, name, address, contact data, as well as agreement with procedural rules and data protection regulations. We process your data based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1)a of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

After confirming your consent to data processing, you can access the proposal form. The data entered here are temporarily stored in a protected area, encrypted and sent by e-mail to the ThemenCheck team. The data in connection with topic proposals not accepted for HTA reports are deleted 4 weeks after notification of non-selection. Data in connection with topic proposals selected for HTA reports are deleted 4 weeks after the last contact with the proposer. Personal data are not passed on to third parties, with the exception of the titles of the selected topic proposals, which are published on the IQWiG website and made available to a group of external researchers for processing.

(5) Subscription to the IQWiG Info Service

You can receive up-to-date information from us by e-mail by subscribing to our IQWiG Info Service. We process your e-mail address in order to send you our IQWiG Info Service. The processing of your e-mail address is based on your consent in accordance with Article (1)a of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The e-mail address is entered into a web form during the registration process. After completion of the registration process, a confirmation e-mail is sent to you. When you confirm your registration by clicking on the confirmation link (double opt-in), you are registered for the IQWiG Info Service. You can edit or delete your data yourself at any time via a link in the confirmation e-mail or the Info Service e-mail. Unconfirmed registrations are automatically deleted after 7 days. Personal data are not passed on to third parties.

(6) Recommendation of website content

You can recommend/sharpen our information to third parties by e-mail. To process your recommendation, we process the e-mail addresses of the sender and recipient. We process your data based on your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1)a of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information is sent to the recipient – it is not processed and stored; deletion is not necessary.

(7) YouTube

To be informed about the work of the Institute, you can watch videos on various topics on our YouTube channel. In order to improve our service to you, the IP address of your terminal device is passed on to the provider YouTube when you watch our videos. We process your data based on your consent in accordance with Article (1)a of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Further processing at YouTube takes place in a country with a lower level of data protection. For further details, please refer to the YouTube information on data protection.

(8) User analysis etracker

We analyse the use of our website and use the services of etracker GmbH ( for this purpose. In order to optimize our online service and our website, your IP address is processed in this context, but this is already anonymized before any analysis data is transmitted to us. We process your data on the basis of a legitimate interest pursuant to Article 6 (1) (f) of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Further processing and storage by etracker takes place exclusively in Germany. No other use, combination with other data or transfer to third parties takes place. For further information, please refer to etracker's data protection information.

By default, we do not use cookies for web analysis. Insofar as we use analysis and optimization cookies by way of exception for web analysis for statistical coverage analysis, the measurement of the success of online marketing measures, and test procedures, we will obtain your explicit consent separately beforehand. Etracker cookies do not contain any information that enables identification of a user.

B. Contact data

(1) Website host:

Foundation for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, foundation with legal capacity under civil law Address of Foundation: c.o. Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss), Gutenbergstraße 13, 10587 Berlin

Postal/Contact address: Siegburger Str. 237, 50679 Cologne
Tel: +49 (0)221 35685-0

The Foundation is the responsible body of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG).

(2) Competent organization

The processing of your data is conducted by:

Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG, Germany)
Postal address: IQWiG, Siegburger Str. 237, 50679 Cologne, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)221 35685-0

(3) Corporate data protection officer

P. Eul-Löh, Harald Eul Consulting GmbH

(4) Competent supervisory authority

State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen)

Postal address: Postfach 20 04 44, 40102 Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)211 384 24 – 0

C. Your rights – Data protection

(1) Information request, deletion and other rights:

You can obtain information about your stored personal data at any time (Article 15 of the European General Data Protection Regulation). You also have the right of correction and deletion of your data, restriction of processing and transferability of the data provided, subject to the conditions laid down in Articles 16 to 21 of the European General Data Protection Regulation.

(2) Complaint:

You have the right to contact IQWiG's competent data protection officer at any time with any complaints regarding the processing of your data (e.g. suspected misuse, unauthorized access or loss of your data). His contact details are given above under “B. Contact details”. You also have the right to complain to any data protection supervisory authority. The authority responsible for IQWiG is listed above under “B. Contact details”.

(3) Revocation:

If data processing is based on your consent, you may revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future. The data processing carried out up to the point of revocation remains lawful. If data processing is based on our legitimate interest, you may object to this processing at any time for reasons arising from your particular situation. We will only further process your data if there are demonstrably compelling reasons for doing so that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

If you have a request, please get in touch with the contact indicated above under B.